Monday, April 20, 2009

Fly on My Zephyr

I once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. This time I went to play rugby. The rugby was forgettable, with a few splashes of brilliant desperation. We took Corbie's (Lopes' wife) four runner, which included Lopez's camera. On her blog Corbie was surpisingly accurate in her description of the proceedings (and I appreciate your discreation on the post Cobie). So if you are interested there you go.


  1. Nice Johnny Cash reference - very clever. I'm going to ignore that you said I was 'surprisingly accurate' (surprisingly?) and skip right to saying that both my 4Runner and husband are happy to have had lots of adventures with you. Great blog and adventures - I love people who love life.

  2. Thanks for the comment, and the post. The 'surprisingly accurate' comment was supposed to be a compliment. That you could nail the entire trip using only the photos is impressive.

  3. I know how you guys roll...I can summarize one of those rugby trips in my sleep. So, next time, 'characteristically accurate' will suffice :). But you're welcome - and thank you for not peeing on my car door Morgan-style.


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Little A