When a dawn patrol is in order a PING goes out either via text message or direct call. When I am the PINGer I like to chant "DAWN PATROL DAWN PATROL". For those of you who know Giles, you know that he is very much like a large bear and this particular bear dislikes waking up too early. So when I got a message that read "DUSK PATROL DUSK PATROL SCREW DAWN PATROL!" I figured fine whatever, we'll have a go, I even agreed to this crazy sounding notion to try out Emigration. Due to Giles 6 degrees of separation we scored yet another premium undisclosed parking spot. The crew for the outing included Beez, Fletch, Giles, and Dalt (not pictured).

We met at the Dog park and piled in Dalt's truck. It was fun to be in new terrain. We passed 'the Hotel' on our right and turned left up the first drainage, then climbed the ridge to the first peak. It was a fun ascent b/c you could scout your upcoming lines so well. Giles punched up the zig zags like there was a 12er on top. We got to the top, paid our taxes, and dropped in.

Beez, on one of his first backcountry outings, was so ovewhelmed at the untouched 12 inches he nearly straight lined the whole thing. The rest of us however were a bit more discerning with our turns. And what turns they were...