Early morning pick-up, 4:35 at Dalt's house. Quick to pick-up Dustin, met Tom at the BCC p.a.r. Up 7.1 from the sign, quick river-cross, (about 7000 ft.) and skinning by 5:30ish. 19 degrees (f). Argenta slide path, truely unbelievable the destruction that slide caused. The first part was tough, super steep with switch-backs. Dustin and Tom, (herein reffered to as our Petzel Guides or PG) were like billy-goats-gruff up the hill. Switch-backs, effortless. Like the elf guy on Lord of the Rings, walking on top of the snow. Breaking trail a good portion of the way to boot. Dalt and myself however, not quite so. Got the heart rate up too fast too early. Up over the ridge and a few less switch-backs. About 7:30 (our cut-off time) we were facing the headwall with about 800-900 of vert. to go to the 10,400 ft. summit. To my great relief, as I came around the corner I saw Dalt and PG taking off their skins and switching to downhill. PG made sure beacons were on. Then dropped in, one by one. Bottomless Wasatch pow. The terrain was perfect, a nice 30-35 degree slope, trees if you want them and very few tracks. Got back to the car just before 8:00. With the flakes increasing, enjoyed the ride down the canyon.
Estimated: 2500 ft vert and 1.8 miles