Had a hard time getting DPs this week. Nevertheless, it was a good week for trekking. I managed five for five days in the foothills above Centerville. Some days with Dalt and some days with Babs and some with both. We usually get a pretty good climb (1000 ft) and get the heart rate up with jog and lunge combo. At the top we get a good stretch, then we descend through grass and scrub slopes around 20-25 percent grade. At that slope its fun to get a good "fast-feet" work-out, good for the coordination and mental stimulation. We usually get down the mountain in about 1/3 the time it takes us to get up. This week we took in some good views of the Bald Eagles that have been feeding out in Farmington Bay.

At one point we saw 14 at once, all circling in a vortex type fashion. We also came across a little coyote lair with some deer bones. We explored a little cave where we had seen some cougar tracks earlier this winter, nothing found. On the final fifty yards of the last slope of the day on Friday, I rolled my right ankle. I got down to the river straight-away to get the deep freeze on early. Four advils, elevation, and a compression bandage did the trick. A great week of fitness. Three rugby practices, and in the foothills, about 4500 ft. vert and 12 miles.
Rugby practice has moved outside, so the transition to spring has begun. First game next week in St. George. Makes me feel like I need to get as many DPs in as possible whilst the snow lasts.
On that note the Haggis Traveling squad for the St. George trip was named today:

Adam Ullrich
Nate Herrshcer
Brad Anderson
Ryan Babinksi
Dave Shelledy
Andrew Jewkes
Ryan Dunyon
Jon Dalton
Mike Griffee
Garreth Long
Robert Lopez
Jason Pye
Ryan Fletcher
Pablo Oleiro
Joe Lomu
Chet Blasucci
Preston Miller
Alex Moore
Trevor Williams/ Pete Levave
Johnny Sione
Nate Hardman
Iose Tafaoiali
Well done. Its good to have the pre-season done with, now down to business.
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